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藤球 from zh.wikipedia.org
藤球(马来语:Sepak takraw)是一种双方隔网对抗,用脚(或头、躯干)将球送过网,让球不在本方区域落地的体育运动。在东南亚,毽式藤球有着悠久的历史。20世纪40 ...
Sepak takraw

Sepak takraw

Sepak takraw, or Sepaktakraw, also called buka ball, kick volleyball or foot volleyball, is a team sport. It is played with a ball made of rattan or synthetic plastic between two teams of two to four players on a court resembling a badminton... Wikipedia
Country or region: Asia
Equipment: synthetic plastic or rattan ball, net
Highest governing body: ISTAF
Team members: 2, 3, or 4
Venue: Sepak Takraw court

藤球是在一块手织机编织铺就的场地内进行。每支球队上场2~3人。击球过网,并使球落到对方场地内,或使对方球员接球出界。藤球的基本动作——踢球,通常需要将脚踢到半空齐肩 ...
Pronunciation edit · Mandarin. (Pinyin): téngqiú: (Zhuyin): ㄊㄥˊ ㄑㄧㄡˊ · Cantonese (Jyutping): tang4 kau ...
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East Asia such as judo , karate, taekwondo, Go, West Asia shooting, weightlifting, wrestling, kabaddi in Southeast Asia, sepak takraw, cricket and so on.
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